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Card protected keys

Author: Luku Expert


How secure are card protected keys?


Card protected keys are considered some of the most secure among modern keys – locksmith are not authorised to cut duplicates of such keys, if the key owner fails to present a unique security card that comes with the key. So, should anybody “borrow” your key in order to have it duplicated, she/he won't get very far with that plan. The security card goes with the key and if you don't have the card to show to the locksmith, you won’t get a duplicate.


Jäätunud lukk

Can the card actually protect the lock?

Could the key be duplicated without the security card?


We decided to conduct a small experiment: We used two keys - a Abloy Novel and a Luku-Expert’s V14. Both keys come with a security card which is mandatory to get a duplicate of the key.


We visited 16 different locksmith shops and asked for duplicates, without presenting the security card, of course.


The results were overwhelmingly positive:  in most places they knew that they are not authorised to make duplicates of the key without a security card. We also heard answers that they didn't have appropriate key blanks or special key cutting machines. These blanks are not available in retail and you need a special key cutting bench for cutting a duplicate, small businesses sometimes don’t have this equipment.

Out of sixteen shops, one agreed to cut a duplicate without receiving a security card from the client. The order was delivered in 3 days and the duplicate was identical to the original.

Majority of the locksmith shops were aware of the duplication procedure that required the security card and refused to cut us any duplicates without seeing our security card.


Note!Keep the security card in a secure place where you can easily find it when you need it. In case you have lost your security card, replace the lock cylinder or re-master the existing one.


Lock-Expert recommends:



keys, key, Card protected keys, locksmith, security card







. Artikli märksõnad: Jäätunud lukk, kinnikülmunud lukk, luku lahtisulatamine, külmunud lukk, jäätunud luku avamine, külmunud luku avamine, tabalukk, lukuõli, lukusula, niiskuse eemaldaja, kaitse külmumise vastu, luku kasutamine talvel, murdunud võti, Abloy tabalukk, Abloy



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